Thursday, 12 July 2012

The Paradox of My Faith

My life has become a battlefield
A place where pride is born from humility
Where in order to rise, I have to first know what it is like
To have my face to the ground,
 Kiss the dirt on the floor that I know I am beyond
But need its taste to remember where I am going

A place where my self esteem relies on how I treat others
Because lets face it, for me to be able to treat others right
I have to be secure in myself, know that I am above mere feelings
Like anger and rage, jealousy and hate
For me to be complete and have meaning I have to give myself away

Yet still the most complicated indescribable part of it all
I am weak, from the day of my birth till the day that I die
I have to rely on your power
You are powerful; yet, it is in my weakness you are made strong
You manifest your power and love in things, places and people that I (may) despise

All the glory must return to the maker
So while I’m choking on my pride
Waiting for the time to rise
You patiently wait until the lesson is learned
Years go by in my world
But in yours everything changes in a split second

Through faith I have the power and authority
But nothing is complete till I use that power to serve
Uplift others in an attempt to lead
Put others ahead of myself to be the head
What confusion what grace

Love as powerful and eternal a force
Accept the unacceptable
Love the unforeseeable
Betrayal may occur but keep no record of wrong
For love to rise like a phoenix,
It must first shed its feathers like the eagle
To gain new wings to soar

Give what you need YOU say
Even when nothings given in return
Turn a blind a eye
When in all reality I should
Fight for my right and stand for what I believe

I press on towards to the goal
I know I can but it’s not by my power or my strength
Surrender to a being unseen yet my heart knows YOU to no bounds
Untouched yet familiar warmth exists
Tell me where is the meaning in giving up all I am
Yet I know that you died that I may live

So live I will
Till the dawning of a new day
Where mourning is turned to dancing
Sorrow is lifted
And joy is new every morning
Strengthening every part of me
And flaws become perfection
For you I will live
Till the drum stops beating
And the music ceases
In preparation of eternity
Love eternal
Love endless
I give myself away
That I may be whole
Become one with YOU that I may be complete
I give myself away that your love may abound.

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