Sunday 15 January 2012

Black and White

Everything always looks better in black and white…perspective???

Right and wrong
Good and bad
Light and darkness
Good and evil
It’s either one or the other

But what happens to the in-between
The unlikeliness that makes life a bit more colorful
The reasons the make bad decisions a bit more bearable
Or the little explanations that allows us wallow a little longer cause well in that moments its ok

Everything looks better in black and white?
I tend to agree
It seems harder but in the true sense of things, it is easier.

If I didn’t have to remain in the myriad of colors that though beautiful at the time,
Makes everything else clouded
I think courage would be a lot easier to follow
Because if it isn’t one it’s the other

I think truth is clearer in black and white
Because no matter how many reasons I have
The in-between never is good enough
Because lets face it, who wouldn’t want greatness
When the only choices are fail or win
Win I say! rid of opinions and false judgments

Focus on black and white
And in all of that I pray we win
No matter what we may feel or how we choose to perceive
In the end, its really only black or white

No more excuses, no grey areas…just go!!!!!!!!!