Thursday, 15 September 2011

Lesson Learned...

Why do bad things happen to good people we often ask?
Why do we have to go through and experience times when the going gets tougher?
Why can’t we simply reap the harvest of our toil and many sacrifices?
Instead, it seems life keeps handing us situations we never bargained for and when considered don’t even deserve

My theory for this is; if we never experience pain, we won’t appreciate joy.
Unfortunately we can’t choose the kind of pain we encounter or determine the level of pain we deserve to feel and amount of tears we should shed
However, through time and much heartbreak, I’ve come to realize that every disappointment as they say, has become a blessing in my life. How?

Well every time I feel I’ve grown or feel I’ve adopted certain principles I get tested
May seem unfair as of the time it happens but after I’ve sailed through and by the grace of God overcome, I find that it was necessary for me to go through that so that I can grow and come out on the other side a lot stronger.

So, this is my two cents worth: when you find your self in a bind, in a situation that seems too hard to bear or even handle, when u find yourself heartbroken beyond repair or when a loved one unexpectedly or expectedly hurts you, that is the time when joy and encouragement should be your best friend. Seems crazy but that is the time to get your heart, mind and soul aligned with the spirit of God get a pen and paper and learn all you can cause with every trial comes the opportunity to choose either to win and prosper (conquer) or lose and be conquered. So here’s my question to you? Are you going to wallow in self pity and let your troubles weigh you down or are you going to rise above learn the lesson and experience a higher level of joy and love, for me the latter sounds great.

As you journey through life, remember to take the good and the bad, filter your thoughts and words as they do have the power to shape and change your life, remain positive always, cleanse your soul, cry if you need to but never ever wallow or worry as that never moves you forward, it breaks you instead, leaving pieces of your soul for the wind to sweep away. Focus on the journey and learn the lesson, as that is the only way to truly overcome.

Remember, the only way to truly overcome and prosper is to subtract the lesson from the problem, learn the lesson and the problem inevitably disappears as the purpose for which it existed has been accomplished. Learn to have a positive outlook on life no matter what. Easier said than done but definitely worth a try.

Peace, Favor, Faith, Hope and Love.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

I choose to be inspired...

With all the junk in the world, it’s easy to pack up your bags and put an end to all your efforts
Curl up in the dark and hold on to your fears. For even though they cripple you till you are but a puppet, they become the security you have and the life you choose to live because lets face it, ignorance is bliss and fear only is a culprit in making sure that you remain in your life of mediocrity and utter meaninglessness. so in an effort to get out of my rut: 
I’m tired, I’m tired of people complaining and choosing not to do anything
I am tired of the lies fed by the media, music, fashion, even churches and even more the lies that these sects have made my mind believe,
I’m tired of being afraid that because it happened to you, it will happen to me too
I’m tired of the evil belief that life and meaning is only for the rich and those that have money
I’m tired of this disease that’s eating through our skins and has lodged its self deep in our bones and has engraved its indelible mark in our DNA running constantly through our blood
Blood that has been shed to bring life, blood that signifies newness, love, compassion, new slates, salvation, truth and hope
In the midst of all the chaos and crap that the world keeps mass-producing, I choose to be inspired
I choose to rise above and beyond, seriously haven’t you heard that I am a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, the determiner of my own future: as it is written: "life and death I have given you I hope you choose life"
I hope you choose to move and shake, break and lose these barriers and walls that has so caged us
I hope you choose to triumph I hope you choose to be all that you were created to be; as for me, I choose to be inspired, I choose to be great.