Wednesday, 27 July 2011

The Essence of Time

Tick tock tick tock
Time keeps ticking waiting for no one
Like a train on a schedule
Answerable to no one unapologetic for leaving without me

Tick tock tick tock
Makes me question
Keeps me on my toes
Not letting a single moment slip without being accountable

Tick tock tick tock
What have I achieved in the past minute
Even when nothings done, it counts
Never to be relived, never going down that road again

Tick tock tick tock
Scary thought, especially when priorities are undetermined
Tick tock tick tock
Wait, what just happened?

Ten years gone
Left daydreaming for too long
Over indulged in unrealities
Letting substance pass away

Ten years ahead
Ten years left to live
To regret or embrace
Choose to take charge

Make the difference
Use the time afforded me
Beat time at its tricks
Make the best of every minute

Tick tock tick tock
I have done it again
Every hit made a home run
What’s next on the list?

Achieving every dream
Conquering all life throws at me
Tick tock tick tock
Guess what?
I caught the train this time.

Just penned down some thoughts to encourage myself and everyone who reads this that no matter how fast life goes by, the mistakes made, even battles won, there’s always time ahead to change the story when hope seems lost, press on when you feel discouraged, and be inspired from what is left behind; even more, by what’s ahead. When the time comes to run, run like hell, if you have to slow down wait and build patience but in the heat of all never forget what’s most important:

Life. Purpose. Passion. Hope. Love. Inspiration. People. God

P.S: always remember the essence of time is to inspire hope.

Picture from: ToniVC's photostream

A Splash of Hope...

Just like there's a story behind every song,
theres a message waiting to be set free

Just like there is a revealation waitng to be seen
there is a future waiting to be lived

Just like theres an experience waiting to last till eternity and be remembered,
so also is there love that waits to seal and bind;

to become one with...

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Be Inspired...

Have you ever felt like writing not knowing what to say?
Having a yearning a desire burning so deep
Yet not knowing what it is
Ever been so afraid to start cause failures right there in your face
Every tried to stand and words keep breaking you every time
Believe me, that, seems to be my life now 
Sometimes I wish life were easier
A scripted play with actors
Lines, scenes and a happy ending
But really how intriguing will that be?

In the face of adversity
When words and actions seem stale
Broken and meaningless
Through heartbreak and
Streams of tears be inspired

Be inspired to break the status quo
Take the first step in faith and let the other foot follow
Fight to see through the fog
And walk till you feel you can fly
Be inspired
Be inspired when the world is cold
Be inspired when you feel numb
Be inspired in times when there’s no hope
Be inspired it’s all you need to fight this fight

Be inspired by the tears you cry
Be inspired by the wounds that would heal
Be inspired when all seems faint 
Cos in the end thats all you need to make that change.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

A letter to my daughter

I was just sitting processing my thoughts and it hit me how when us girls are being taught about relationships, the first thing is protect yourself and your heart. However, I am under the impression that if that was God’s plan He wouldn’t have told us to love our enemies cause that’s just too close a proximity to the enemy and the destroyer of all that is good in my life.
But anyways, it just made me imagine what I would tell my own daughter from all I’ve learned and all I am yet to experience. I know I am still young and can’t fully quantify or even qualify any of my thoughts but here and now, until I am proven otherwise by God, in this moment here’s my two cents worth.

If I could write a letter to my daughter, I’d tell her of the best kind of life
The one that is filled with confidence, security, faith, hope, and joy that unwinds on a street called love. I’d teach her to protect herself but not in the way we’ve been taught. Because I remember being told, “be careful Melissa, men are this and men are that” however, I don’t remember God telling me to love people for who they are instead as He has loved me I am to love as well.

That means with a love that does not judge that does not point fingers or condemn. I believe when you love, you feel worthy of something and good about yourself. But when you live trying to protect yourself, you risk letting life pass you by and you become vulnerable, questioning your worth. I don’t want my baby living in that kind of bondage. Don’t protect your self so much that you feel unworthy of love, instead love and lead your heart in love.

 That being said, if I could teach my daughter about relationships she’d get to share not just romantically, I’d teach her to love for God is love and we are to follow suit. I’d tell her to be considerate of others and in so doing it would determine how she carries herself, how she relates with others, not loosing who she is but when you live a life of love, you become love personified and when you love others for who they are there is no way you wont love who you are for you would appreciate the diversity and the magnanimity of who God is.

I’d teach her to see that from the way she loves others, it would bring her respect, she would be a mystery in the eyes of others and would silently determine the way others treat her. Because lets face it no matter how demented a person is, they naturally reciprocate love when love is given. Plus it is said true love never returns to you void. Don’t go around with a lot of hate and anger in your heart, that which is only there due to the hurt others.

The love in your heart will teach you the difference between a good man and scum.
When the time comes for her to choose a partner, I’d help her see that all her love would pay off for her partner won’t only be enchanted by the beauty on the outside but the one that radiates from within as well. I’d tell her to love but only when the time is right, as there is a time for everything under the sun. And when that times comes for her to be the girlfriend leading to fiancĂ© leading to wife, I’d teach her to honor her man, I’d teach that submission isn’t giving up who you are but being who you were created to be. I’d teach her the power that she has as a woman; that God saying be submissive isn’t a trap rather it empowers you to be the epitome of who a woman should be. I’d teach her that if she would love and embrace the power that’s given to her, she would go down in history as one of those women that was the strength behind her husband that she made him complete. I mean that was the intention in the first place right, for Eve to Complete Adam. For I have learned that men never really have security and complete confidence till they have a good woman who loves, respects and submits that way she empowers him and a man empowered can conquer the world.  For a man who has such a woman, a wife, values her and loves her more than himself.
If I could leave her with one word I’d say don’t protect you to find love instead, love and everything else will follow. For really who would want to hurt love???
Yes love is hard, sometimes painful and could make you go insane but it is that way so you could be better, and have joy that is everlasting not happiness that comes and goes.  And don’t forget to let your love grow. Love was Jesus Christ stretched out on the cross when u live a life of love your husband will love you as Christ loved the church.

I pray that the love I share with your father is proof enough that love conquers ALL!
P.s. I am not saying that there aren’t bad people to stay away from I’m just saying your guard shouldn’t be so high that it is even impossible for someone else to love you.


Welcome to the age of possibilities they say
A time with no limits but the ability to transcend
Transcend what you may ask? Beats me, same question everyone asks
Yet no one is brave enough to face their fears or brace them
Time slips away—so fast one life to live but how?
Take charge; understand the transcendental things
The good—the world of forms as Socrates puts it
Live life to the fullest but what happens to moderation?
The element that lends us a hand in living a life that could compare to perfection.
Age, a number the determinant of how much we know,
How much we’ve overcome
Age the measure of success, failure, hope and what to look forward to
Age the determinant of what lies ahead.
Space the platform to let the dreams and hopes that linger in our minds actualize
Space wonder what mine contains
What I’ve been able to induce and deduce
What I’ve chosen to keep defining me

Age, Time, Space
Three elements that I cant seem to grasp but has to rule me, my life, my destiny... conspicuous yet deceptive...

Come As You Are (welcome note)

Hello beautiful world,

I have decided to start a blog where I basically talk about life issues daily (hopefully) and discuss daily struggles that everyone goes through either through poetry, music or whatever form necessary. I know other people go through similar issues and I figured it would help if we discussed and went through all of it together instead of dealing with it alone. Cause lets face it, we need people and sometimes even strangers are better than no one. I am not a therapist or any of the sorts, don't even have all the answers or any at all. however, this is a place for me to share my thoughts creatively and welcome that of others.

So for the purposes of peace, I would appreciate if all judgmental and negative people could keep their negative energy to themselves, as I would really want this to be a place of healing, encouragement and inspiration for everyone. As I believe we all need a little push most times to sail through. Now I am not against tough love just make sure its subtle so as to edify and not condemn a trying soul. Thank you all for your future contributions and I hope this will go a long way to help everyone including myself.

Thanks and remember to Come As You Are. 

No judgment here!!!!!.